I had my egg retrieval on July 4th. Before I went back for the procedure, I had to have another u/s. On this u/s, the tech counted 10 follicles. I was relieved. If we can get 10 eggs, and 9 are mature, and 8 fertilize, we will definitely have enough to do at least 2 FETs. I was in a much better mood.
They saw us right away. I think that the staff was anxious to get everything done so that they all could enjoy the holiday. I changed into the embarrassing blue gown, and they set me up with an IV. I thought for sure that I would be getting my visit from anesthesiology almost immediately. Um, I was wrong. I proceeded to sit there, freezing my ass off for 1 hour. Apparently, the ER before me was taking a long time. I could hear the dr. doing the procedure and calling out the number of eggs. This particular person got 26 eggs. Not something that I wanted to hear, know that best case scenario, they'd be getting 10 eggs.
Finally, they bring me into the other room, and the anesthesiologist gets me set up with my oxygen and consents. The dr., who I had NEVER met before, breezes in, barely introduces herself, and the next thing I know, I'm in recovery.
They tell me that they got 7 eggs. I'm sorry, what did you say?? 7 eggs. I must have asked the nurse to repeat that a few times. I was devastated. I couldn't even cry though, because my throat was so dry. Then, I overhear the dr, as I asked the nurse why only 7, and the dr. says that really only 5 of them were good. Nice! I was definitely not in a good mood.
So, we got the call yesterday from embryology. Out of the 7 retrieved, 6 were mature, and 5 fertilized and divided normally. Great! Considering what we were dealing with, 5 embies is not a bad outcome. I'm not sure if that will be enough to get us through two FETs, but if I'm lucky enough to get pg on the first, it doesn't really matter.
Mark and I did come to the decision that we are going to Nogales, Mexico for lymphocyte immunotherapy (LIT). This is a process where they take Mark's blood, separate the white blood cells, make some kind of serum with them, and then inject them under my skin. It's supposed to help with embryo implantation. If we go at the end of August, we should be good for 6 months. That will cover us if I get pregnant with my first FET, or if we have to do another fresh and frozen. So, I'm waiting to get information from the lab manager at Cooper, and then I will call Mexico and make our appointment.
I really hope this is the beginning of the story of how we got our baby. I feel like nothing in this entire process has come easily to Mark and I. I just hope that this is it.