Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise ; - )

I had my FET on Tuesday morning. I woke up and Mark and I had "relations" per the doctor's orders. Nothing like sex on demand. Hee hee. I showered, and then started to drink my water. They recommend that you drink 32 ounces of water before your transfer. The rationale being that since it's an abdominal u/s, they get a better shot of your uterus. Well, since I think my bladder is the size of a pea, I drank about 8 ounces before acupuncture.

After that, we were off to my acupuncture appointment. There have been studies suggesting that acupuncture pre and post transfer will result in higher pregnancy rates. Well, we left the house in plenty of time, and we encountered way too many construction detours. We wound up driving around in a big circle just to get to the office. I got there about 20 minutes late. So, I had a very quick treatment.

From there, we drove literally around the corner to get to the dr's office by 10am for my 10:30 transfer. After sitting in the waiting area for 15 minutes (and having drank maybe another 8 ounces of water), I was dying. I went to the bathroom. About 20 minutes later, they took us back to the "closet" to change our clothes and get ready for the transfer. I drank probably another 4 ounces of water. So figure, I had a total of 20 ounces. Mark put on his yellow gown, shower cap, and booties. I had a way too big blue gown, shower cap, and booties. We both looked like we could work in a high school cafeteria. I also got my valium. I had one for last transfer, and I didn't notice any difference.

We were then taken back to the transfer room and told that the dr. would be there shortly, she was just finishing up with a retrieval. The nurse came in and asked if I had to go the bathroom. I said yes. Ok, that's 2 times already. Then, the nurse left and we were just sitting there in the transfer room. The embryologist came in to tell us that we would be transferring 3 embryos that morning, and gave us a picture. We had a 6, 7, and 8 celled embryo. Mark nicknamed them, you guessed it, 6, 7, and 8. Then the embryologist left. I had to go to the bathroom again. Afraid that the nurse would tell me I couldn't, I snuck out to use the bathroom for the 3rd time. Ten minutes later the nurse came in to say that the dr. would be in shortly (and this time she said she meant it) and asked if I needed to go again. So yes, I went for the 4th time. Finally, the ultrasound tech came in to make sure I had a full bladder for the transfer. I thought she would tell me that I had to drink more water. NOPE, I still had a full bladder. So, you guessed it, back to the bathroom for the 5th time!!!

The transfer itself went well. The valium had kicked in, and once it was determined that due to my tricky cervix, a rigid catheter needed to be used, we transferred 6,7,8.

After the transfer, I used the bedpan…so I guess that's a total of 6 times by now. Hee hee. I had to lay on the table for an additional 30 minutes. Mark then dropped me off at acupuncture again. I had a longer session this time, and even passed out on the table. Then, we proceeded home where I was couch bound for 2 whole days.

I go in for my beta pregnancy test on September 21, but I will be testing at home on the 20th. Please cross everything that the 5th shot is the lucky one!!

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