Well, as you can tell by the title of this entry, our 6th IVF cycle also resulted in a big fat nothing. We took this one pretty hard. A day before my beta, I was extremely dizzy and nauseous. We both took that as a huge sign that I was pregnant. I had never felt that way before in all our prior cycles. Oh well, guess I just had a funky response to my prometrium this time around.
To be truthful, it's getting harder and harder to head down this path. People keep telling me how strong I am, but I really don't feel like a strong woman right now. We will take a needed break, and hopefully, at the start of the new year, we will be ready to pursue another cycle at another clinic.
I feel like I have made some poor choices with fertility clinics, and that Mark and I need to change our "3 strikes and you're out" mentality. We really should have left both clinics after 2 cycles. I guess hindsight is 20/20.
I'm taking this week to grieve and to focus on having a nice time with my family over the holiday weekend. I'll start making phone calls next week to see what I can do to make cycling in North Jersey easier. Hopefully, SIRM is ok with my doing monitoring appointments at a local office, and hopefully, there is a local office willing to let me get monitoring done there.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks again for your words of encouragement.