Friday, November 6, 2009

Will Things Ever Look Up?

I went into egg retrieval expecting at least 10 eggs. When I met with the doctor, pre-ER, she even said that we would probably get 12 eggs. Imagine my extreme disappointment when I was back in recovery and was told that they got 7 eggs. Not only that, but apparently 3 of my other follicles had already released eggs before I went to retrieval. Don't ask me what happened to the other 5 follicles that I had that weren't mentioned.

I know that it only takes one, but here is why I'm so upset. One of the things that were desperate to try this cycle was a 5dt. Our RE doesn't usually do them, but he said that we should try for it this time around. Embroyology won't do it unless you have at least 8 embryos. We have one blast on ice...the only way we could go to a 5dt is if all 7 eggs retrieved were mature and fertilized. That's VERY unlikely.

I'm trying to stay positive, but this cycle just seems to be going downhill fast : (

I'm getting my fertilization report tomorrow, but at this point, I'm not holding my breath.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that your ER was disappointing. I have my fingers crossed for a great fert report for you tomorrow!
