Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Triggering Tonight, Egg Retrieval on Friday

Well, I am triggering for IVF #6 tonight. I didn't think I'd be excited at all this cycle, but things seem to be going well. My ride was very bumpy in the beginning. I had a lead follicle and I was afraid that I would get canceled or told to trigger with HCG early. Well, today is stim day 9, and I have 15 measurable follicles, with my E2 level at 2750. I haven't had this good of a cycle since my second cycle at South Jersey (which was in the Summer of 2008).

If we can get double digit eggs at the retrieval, I will be ecstatic. Of course, that's just one part of the puzzle. We are hoping to get to a 5 day transfer. And if not, then we have a whole host of things that they will be doing for a 3dt.

I told myself that I wouldn't be optimistic with this cycle, and just focus on moving to a different doctor, but with my cycle improving the way it did, I can't help but be a little hopeful.

Wish me luck….who knows, maybe it will be lucky number 6.


  1. I am crossing my fingers for you that this IS lucky number 6!!!

  2. good luck! keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you :)
