Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What a Difference a Few Days Make!

Well, we got official notice on Saturday that our ivf cycle didn't work. I grieved pretty much the entire weekend, and was a little depressed yesterday (Monday). And, as I expected, I'm starting to feel better now.

Yes, being proactive is truly the only way I can survive in the world of infertility. Since my negative beta, I have already requested copies of my medical records. I have made a phone consultation with CCRM for October 12; requested ivf cycle information from Cornell; posted several questions on SIRM's website, and started doing some research on possible tests to run, protocols to try, etc. And, I feel 100% better. I have a game plan. I have a list of possibilities. And with those possibilities, come renewed hope. Yes, I found my optimism again. Now, I'm still jaded, but I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. That's all I needed...just a little bit of hope.

After doing my research (mostly through SIRM's website), I have realized the Mark and I have barely scratched the surface with ivf possibilities. Very comforting. As long as we still have $$, and Mark assures me that we still have enough for another 5 cycles, then I will move forward.

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