Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Need a Hobby!

Alright, today's entry has nothing to do with IVF and making babies, at all. I need to come up with a good idea for a weekend getaway. Between the stress of starting a family, and Mark's work, I really think he needs a break. Since it's so last minute (next weekend), I am thinking of doing a drivable getaway…maybe Cape May, Lancaster County, DC area for the weekend. I think Mark would probably prefer to be at a beach, while I might be leaning more towards wine tastings. Are there even any wineries in Lancaster County? I have some research to do…if only I had internet at work : (

My second thought is that I need a hobby. Since we are on a forced break until our FET in September, I need something else to fixate on. I have gained about 10 lbs since we began our journey through the murky waters of infertility. So, one goal for the rest of the summer, is to get myself into some kind of shape…or at least better shape than what I am right now. I'm at the point where I walk around and think to myself, ok, she's thinner than I am, but I'm thinner than this other person is. It's not a fun game to play. However, I don't see working out as a hobby. I'm open to suggestions!

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