Friday, November 13, 2009

Things that Make You Go, HMMM...

I had my embryo transfer on Wednesday. I'm still in shock that we were able to go to a 5 day transfer. We had Dr. Amui perform it (who was one of the 2 doctors that our RE had recommended we use for the transfer). I can't even believe how easy it was. In fact, I didn't feel a thing, and when they were all done, I couldn't believe it. I think that the key to my transfers is getting the amount of water correct. They recommend 32 ounces, but that's incredibly too much. I think I do best with about 16 ounces of water for a transfer.

Anyway, I had a good and a fair quality blastocyst transferred. And, we were even able to have one left to freeze. Amazing.

Here is what I find so interesting. The 2 blastocysts that we transferred were the 7 and 9 cell embryos from Monday. The 5 cell embryo never developed into anything, and my frozen blast from another cycle just degenerated after the thaw. Of the two 8 celled embryos that would have been transferred if we had gone with the 3 day….1 crapped out by day 5, and the other was a little slow, but that was the one that we were able to freeze on day 6. I find this amazing. Had we transferred both 8 celled embryos on day 3, one never would have made it. So, I like that we at least increased our chances that way.

And, the awesome news is that out of 5 embryos, 3 survived to blasts and they were all of fair to good quality. So, this was definitely a learning experience. I go in on Saturday for my progesterone check, and my beta will be on November 23.


  1. Hey Merri,
    I enjoy reading your blog (tho half of what you write about goes over my head) and am hoping for the best for you! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you for the 23rd.

  2. hi Merri,

    hope you are doing well!

