Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Not Moving Forward

Well, looks like we won't be cycling with SIRM in February. We were presented with the option to take part in SIRM's 3 IVF package. It was a discounted package that included unlimited FETs. There was also a cashback option if you didn't get pregnant. Mark and I made the first payment for this package, and the following week, we were told that we didn't qualify. Apparently, because we were a 50% dq alpha match, and have previous ivf failures under our belts, we couldn't get the package.

Ok, I was pissed. The office had all of our information prior to being offered this package. They had knowledge of our past medical history. If we were never going to qualify for this special 3 ivf package, we should have NEVER been presented with the option. This was one of the reasons why we had decided to cycle at SIRM instead of Cornell or CCRM. I responded to this upsetting news by saying that fine, we won't do the cashback option, and was told that the management company couldn't alter the contract, so we were SOL. Ok, I am an attorney, and I know that if both parties agree to modify the contract, it can be done.

So, I was forced to cancel the upcoming cycle in the hopes that we could work something out with SIRM. To be honest, I'm just not sure that they will be willing to work with us. As it stands, we aren't cycling with SIRM in February, and currently have NO backup plan. 2009 has seriously been one of my worst years : (


  1. OMG. Hugs. That is a bunch of crap, and totally unfair.

    I am glad 2009 is almost over. I know you guys will work something out in time. Don't give up.

  2. Oh, Merri... I am so so sorry. WTH?
    I hope that you are able towork things out.

    I want this new year to be an amazing one for you.

  3. I am so sorry. I wish medical offices would be more compassionate to those going through IF and realize how hard EVERY decision is.

    And I thought SIRM would be high quality with patient service...

    Sorry, Sweetie.

  4. That sucks. At this stage of the game having options presented and then removed hurts more than ever. I'm sorry.

  5. UGH! UGH! UGH! I cycled at SIRM in October and will be doing a FET in a few weeks with them. We actually didn't even qualify for the 3 cycle program because of my elevated CD3 E2 level, BUT the more I looked at it the less of a deal it seemed. We wouldn't get that much back if it didn't work AND most women don't have blasts left over to freeze. I figured I wouldn't fall into the having-something-leftover-to-freeze category. We took the 2 cycle plan, that also comes with unlimited FETs. Since we are now having to do a FET with the only frozen embryo we have, if it works we will break even. If it doesn't work we'll end up coming out ahead when we do the 2nd fresh cycle.

    Good luck trying to get them to work with you. As if IF isn't stressful enough.

    Take care.

  6. Good luck to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope 2010 is your year!
