Friday, October 30, 2009

Fertility Friday Wasn't Fun : (

I went in today for my cd 5 b/w and u/s (after stimming for 3 days). Well, first the phlebotomist couldn't get a vein on my first arm...after pricking and prodding with her needle, so she needed to get my other arm. So, I left that appointment with two holes : (

Next bummer was at my ultrasound. The good news is that I have about 12 follicles. The bad news is that 8 of them are under 10mm, and 4 of them range from 16mm-12mm. The bad news with this is that I'm guessing we will only get 4 eggs at retrieval. I know it's still early, but this has been my experience with cycling at Cooper.

Third and most painful of my morning activities was my endometrial biopsy. They were doing this biopsy for the sole purpose of irritating my endometrium, hoping to aid in implantation. If you've read my blog, you know that they have a hard time getting through my cervix. Well, this morning's procedure was no different. A procedure that normally takes 1-2 minutes took 10. Doesn't sound like a lot, but when you are cramping and in pain, 10 minutes is a long time. The doctor had to dilate my cervix, and every time she did that, it hurt. And, in the time it took to dilate and grab the catheter, my cervix would close again. She had to dilate me at least 3 times. And, couldn't even use the usual tool to get into my uterus. She had to use a scary looking metal thing with "teeth" at the end of it. I cramped so bad, and was told that they would give me motrin. I'm home now, and I still haven't gotten my motrin. I wound up crying on the table. Not so much because of the pain, but just at my utter frustration with everything I had to do today. I'm still in a crappy mood.

The only procedure that seemed to go without a hitch today was intralipid infusion. It took an hour, and I was able to watch my portable dvd player.

The thing that is most upsetting to me is that I put my body through such hell today, and I don't think we will get enough eggs to even consider doing a 5 dt. I feel like it's all for nothing. Mark is even talking about just canceling the cycle outright...however, I didn't get my insides scraped out for fun.

Please send decent follicle number waves my way. I'd be thrilled if we could get more than last time, which was 7. However, I'm not feeling confident at all : (


  1. i have an "extreemly narrow, twisty curvy cervix" according to the dr, so i KNOW your frustration. it really sucks and i'm sorry you had to go through all that frustration today! i'm praying that you get lots of late bloomers and you wind up with plenty of embies = ) today will not have been for nothing!!

  2. Oh, honey. I am sorry. I really am. What an awful day. I hope that your follie count picks up and this time is truly different for you.

    Hang in there, from one girl who get it to another... why does everything have to be so hard?

  3. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Sounds like a terrible day.
    Go follies, go! I really hope you get better #'s this time.
    Good luck!
