Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Official Start of Ivf #6.

I went in for blood work and an ultrasound today to see if my body was ready to start another ivf cycle. Apparently, it is, but my mind is not! I still seem to have the high estradiol levels to start (81) but my FSH is now back down to 5. I really don't know what to make of that. I have no idea what my antral follicle count is though, as the ultrasound tech simply wrote that I had multiple follicles on both the right and left ovaries that were under the size of 10mm.

So, here is my ivf protocol and schedule at least until the end of the week.

Starting tonight and every night until Friday….75 of menopur.
Starting tomorrow morning and every morning up to and including Friday morning…225 follistim.

Friday: go in for blood work and an ultrasound; have endometrial biopsy; and have intralipid infusion. I will be spending the good part of Friday sitting in one various room or another at my RE's office. I really wish I could fast forward past Friday. I’m not looking forward to any of it!

Did I mention that the fact that I'm even starting my 6th ivf cycle makes me sick to my stomach? Yup, been having stomach issues all day. This is going to a fun ride. : (

1 comment:

  1. good luck,sending you lots of good vibes! just keep your mind on the prize :) and keep us posted!
