Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Need an IF Vacation!

I find this whole process to be extremely frustrating. As I previously stated, Mark and I are giving Cooper one last shot before we move onto a different clinic. So, in the meantime, I've been researching other clinics and setting up consultations. We had our CCRM consultation, and I'm waiting for our SIRM consultation on Friday. In addition, I'm in the process of setting up a consultation with Dr. Spandorfer over at Cornell. The frustrating thing is what one doctor recommends, the other does not, and recommends something that the third doctor doesn't recommend. So, then I feel like all the weight is on me. If I choose the wrong clinic, we will have more failures. Why the F can't I find one clinic that believes in everything. I’m really stressing over this decision. It's not an easy one either, as I would be distance cycling with all 3. As if being infertile isn't stressful enough!!

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