Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Development:

Ok, I went in today for my post coital test and an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that I have a follicle that is 19.3mm (meaning that I'm getting very close to ovulating). My post coital results were AWFUL. I have very little cervical mucus, and they were only able to see ONE sperm swimming around in there. This means that Mark's sperm would have a very difficult time making it up to where they need to be in order to fertilize an egg (in a natural cycle).

The nurse gave us the option of doing an IUI (intra-uterine insemination) this cycle. Normally, I would just say F it, we would try naturally and wait until the next month and do another IVF cycle. However, based on my abominable post coital results and the fact that my body is still HOT from the LIT, I decided to go for it. It's only $300 and you just never know.

So, tonight at 6ish, I will be triggering for my Saturday morning IUI. The funny thing is that with all my IF experience, I know very little about IUIs. Regardless, I'm still looking at doing an ivf cycle next month, and if that doesn't work, moving onto IVF at either SIRM or Cornell.

1 comment:

  1. I found your link via the bump and I just wanted to say Good Luck! I couldn't read and not post. I have had SAIF so I am hoping you have a very short road to come. Fingers crossed this IUI does the trick!
